Can muslims not have anal sex Instead, it recommends alternative methods like coitus interruptus (withdrawal) or Anal Sex Between Husband and Wife. co. This discussion addresses concerns about whether such practices are Haram (forbidden), Kabaer (major sins), or simply viewed as inappropriate behavior. This, in turn, stops procreation which is the main goal of marriage. My question is, the Qur’an and the Hadith, which one should sit in judgement over the other. [10]. having a girlfriend is also haram. Basically married couples are allowed to enjoy each other’s body as they wish except what is forbidden, i. Rectal tissue is also more delicate and vulnerable to tearing and abrasion than vaginal tissue. Some scholars are of the view that if the spouses agree to have anal sex, it becomes an obligation to separate them. According to Islamic teachings, Allah allows spouses to find pleasure in each others bodies, with exceptions during menstruation and anal intercourse Q: Is it permissible for a husband to enjoy his wife via anal intercourse, and is oral sex permissible. org’s article entitled: Anal Sex according to Islam. All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is haram (prohibited), based on the hadith of the Prophet (peace and that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: Do not have sex with your wives in the anus. ke Is it permissible to have sex standing? In a shower? Answer. Citing Hadiths from Prophet Muhammad, it emphasizes the importance of repentance for such actions without severing the marital bond. There is a book by an Egyptian who had written that Muhammad also used to Oral sex: In my answer to Is it halal to have oral sex with the spouse?, I point out how there's a lack of consensus regarding whether oral sex between married opposite-sex partners is permissible. 1103. She is the program leader for the MA Islamic Studies program at the Islamic College in London and also the Managing Editor of the Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies. ) Having anal sex with one’s wife is unlawful in Islam because Allah (Exalted and Glorified be He) says: “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will. There is nothing in the Shari`ah to indicate the number of times a couple may or should have intercourse, because this varies according to circumstances and personal preferences. Both the Qurʾān and authentic Ḥadīth are reliable sources for guidance. Can Muslims have sex before marriage and stay true to their faith? Looking into premarital sex in Islam, we see many views on the matter. Such an act brings about a severe punishment from Allah. This has been explained in the answer to question no. It is counted among the major sins. The Holy Prophet sas said: . A handbook for Muslim women seeking satisfying love lives, the book starts with the The following is a response to RevisitingtheSalaf. But the scholars said that if a man habitually does this, his wife has the right to ask for a divorce. I am doing anal sex also she dosen't have any problem. SO it will be considered permissible as all things we do not cosidering them part of islam or part of deen are permissible as long as we don't find any rulings against Counsellor cautions Muslim couples against engaging in anal sex. Amina Inloes, Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. Hahaha OMG such a stupid situation :)) sex is sex in everyway. Semen is consider "unclean", which is why a Muslim is supposed to perform ghusal after they come in contact with semen. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 131953. Therefore, it is not permissible in Islam. Good article Amar, you have done a good job of exposing the truth about sodomy in Islam. The wife has to resist this evil action and remind her husband about Allah and about the punishment for IS Nikah break if someone have Anal Sex with his wife? Answer (Fatwa: 643/643=M-1429) The nikah will not be broken but anal sex is haram, unlawful and sin. A couple can do everything. IS Nikah break if someone have Anal Sex with his wife? Answer (Fatwa: 643/643=M-1429) The nikah will not be broken but anal sex is haram, unlawful and sin. I feel this is something that is not spoken about too much for various reasons but lets get into it. When is it Obligatory to have Sex? It is wajib on man to have sex with his wife at least once in every four months; this is considered as one of the conjugal rights of the wife. Random Q&A. Personally obligatory and required knowledge, and the works of hadith literature in English In Islam anal sex and oral sex is allowed by doing this nikah remains valid or break. Whenever the wife wants to have sex. This article discusses whether such actions break the Nikah, supported by Hadith and Quranic verses. Anal intercourse is totally Haraam (unlawful) in Islam and it is a grave sin. How did you have anal sex by mistake?!!! Anal sex is haram. Thus, although it may be suggested that a finger is not a penis, however, the overall effect [of insertion] can be deduced as equivalent; the same can be said for Praise be to Allah. While some may question if a wifes consent legitimizes such acts, it is stated that anal sex is considered forbidden (haram) in Sharia law, regardless of consent. . Intercourse in the back passage is a major sin which is emphatically forbidden in sharee’ah. The bodily fluids swallowed during oral sex is like consuming blood, male or female. There are many narrations of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) which emphasize this. Oral Sex in Islam. Almighty Allah says in the Qur’an: “Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth (have sexual relations with your wives in any manner as long as it is in the vagina and not in the Well, considering a lot of people don't know how to have proper anal sex, can see why it would mess stuff up in the backdoor. He who has intercourse with his wife through her anus is accursed. Mutual agreement does not allow something that has been made forbidden. It's like a bowl of vomit. it's not as pleasurable for women as it is for men). Gain a deeper understanding of this topic and its implications by reading Fatwa 81358. This is something that has been lost in modern culture. A married couple can enjoy every limits. Instead, it recommends alternative methods like coitus interruptus (withdrawal) or condoms to help manage family size while prioritizing health. You may enter your fields from any place you want. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Original Source From a medical perspective, anal sex poses various risks, including bacterial and viral infections of the vagina, penis, rectum and anus. I hope you’re doing well, insha’Allah. You both also need to get tested of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. 671 A. net/announcement/Do you have a question:https://www. In this fatwa: Muslims are not allowed by any way to have physical relations with the opposite sex outside marriage. " (Reported by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa'i, and Ibn Majah. ) Ibn `Abbaas, may 7. Source: The Star. Allah says in the quran: 2:223 How is it a sin? A man is just using a different hole. i have done anal sex with my husband evev i knew it was haram. Anal sex is considered to be ‘the sin of Lot’s people’ and is not acceptable between hetero or homosexual couples. The realities that Allah has created are timeless while science as a serious discipline is only a few hundred years old. First, we would like to stress that having anal sex with one’s wife is unlawful in Islam because Allah (exalted and glorified be He) says: (Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will) (Al-Baqarah 2:223), and the anus is not a place of cultivation. There are many narrations The four schools of Islamic jurisprudence and other Muslim jurists have unanimously agreed that anal sex is haram or unlawful. Instead, individuals engaging in this practice are Anal sex is totally prohibited and is considered a grave sin whose doer is cursed and incurs the wrath of Allah. Answered by Shaykh Gibril F Haddad Is Anal Sex Permitted? Answer: As-Salamu `alaykum: We do not follow books nor Shi`ism but recognized teachers connected with established uninterrupted chains to the Four Sunni Schools through their well-known representatives all the way to the Four Imams, all of whom -- including Read more about Is anal sex considered sinful in Islam, and would it displease Allah, even if the wife does not express any discomfort? FOLLOW (1) 1076 views; Zaid Alsalami, Shaykh Dr Zaid Alsalami is an Iraqi born scholar, raised in Australia. The jurisprudence revolving around anal sex has been one that has caused a lot of differences of opinion within the ranks of Ahl Al-Sunnah. Since she is a new Muslim, you may try to gratify her needs in whichever way other than the forbidden anal intercourse. The Quran warns against immoral lust (), [14] [15] and the hadith literature, modesty has been described as "a part of faith". He obtained a BA from Al-Mustafa University, Qom, and an MA from the Islamic College in London. Among such taboos are anal intercourse, intercourse while menstruating, etc. 2) Negative influence on sexual organs, since anal sex may destroy seminal life and affect the structure of semen. And oral sex is not generally viewed as okay due to possibly swallowing bodily fluids. According to Islamic teachings, Allah allows spouses to find pleasure in each others bodies, with exceptions during menstruation . Almighty Allah says in the Qur’an: “Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth (have sexual relations with your wives in any manner as long as it is in the vagina and not in the anus), Not everything has to have a scientific reason behind it. Islamic teachings on sex are complex, influenced by culture and tradition. Actually some Muslims think it preserves the virginity of a non married girl if she wants to marry. The general principle is that: (1) All sexual practices are permissible, besides the specifically prohibited (such as anal sex) or harmful. We should as Muslims, desist from writing misleading things about issues Anal sex. A: Assalamu alaikum,. How often husband and wife make love. I have listed the details in the form of a comment. Homosexuality (sex between members of the same gender) is also forbidden. ” (Reported by Ahmad, Discover the forbidden sexual practices in Islam as outlined in the Quran and Sunnah. I have done my research and found none of the sex positions that are banned in Islam. A wife is not permitted to ask for divorce unless she has a sound reason. Explore the topic of anal sex within marriage from an Islamic perspective. N; A marriage counsellor, Dr Aisha Adaviruku, has cautioned Muslim couples against anal intimacy as it is prohibited in Islam. 5. Explore the permissibility of anal sex within marriage according to Islamic teachings. Can a man have anal sex with his wife? Allah doesn’t look with mercy and compassion at person who do anal sex; I have heard that once you do anal sex, your NIKAH is being terminated instantly with ur wife. Oral In Islam anal sex and oral sex is allowed by doing this nikah remains valid or break. So don’t worry about your marriage, just worry about living Islam day in and day out, through your speech, actions, and heart. So, it is the duty of the Muslim families and societies to Explore the topic of anal sex within marriage from an Islamic perspective. Verse 223 in Surat Al All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is Haram, based on the Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: "Do not have that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: Do not have sex with your wives in the anus. ” (Al-Baqarah: 223) And the anus is not a place of cultivation. The text emphasizes that engaging in such acts is considered repulsive and a major sin in Shariah, with references from various Islamic authorities Moreover, spouses can freely express their sexuality as long as they do not go beyond the limits set by Allah. If a man has anal sex with his wife, she is not considered to be divorced as many people think, because there is no Shar`i evidence at all that indicates this. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “cursed is he who has had sex with a woman in her anus. With respect to oral sex, some scholars have mentioned that it is permissible while others have stated that it is not. Scholar: Answered by Shaykh Gibril F Haddad Is Anal Sex Permitted? Answer: As-Salamu `alaykum: We do not follow books nor Shi`ism but recognized teachers connected with established uninterrupted chains to the Four Sunni Schools through their well-known representatives all the way to the Four Imams, all of whom -- including Need One to One live Counseling with Sheikh Assim?:https://www. (Sunan Abi Dawud, Book 11, Hadith 2,157)Oral sex goes contrary to the spirit of human dignity and cleanliness that Islam teaches. 704 Questions Answered & 9 Days Average Response Time. People kind of just stick it in a lot of the time, and even with lube, anal sex without the proper warm up can be dangerous. Reply reply sulaymanf • Not Seeking pleasure is a natural thing though, and the thing about anal sex is that it can be pretty painful for most women (i. For same-sex partners, it's forbidden: Question: He received oral sex from men and thinks it I've read in numerous sources that Muslim women secretly have anal sex since sex before marriage is considered a sin and they don't want to get caught during virginity test. Homosexuality is not accepted in Islam and this website can Anal sex? Big no-no. All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is haram (prohibited), based on the hadith of Muhammad. However multiple others hold the view that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was not specifically due to the sodomy practiced in those Q: Can a man have anal sex with his wife? A: Anal sex is totally prohibited in Islam. Anal sex is strictly prohibited in Islam. anal sex, or having sex during menses or confinement period. “Do not have intercourse with women in their back passages. Discover more about Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani If a husband and wife have involved themselves in anal sex with mutual consent, are they condemned? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Merciful and Compassionate Anal sex is impermissible and a major sin, by scholarly agreement, because of the primary texts that clearly establish this. Muslims have to observe the teachings of Islam in all walks of life, including the intimate relations between a husband and wife. However, some people say that doggy style is still not liked in Islam; please clarify. Learn about the importance of aligning family planning with religious beliefs and ensuring All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is Haram, based on the Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: "Do not have anal sex with women. The wife should abstain from responding to her husband’s demand to have anal sex, and she will not be considered disobedient in that case. A man may not enter through the women's back. :) i'm a Muslim, according to me if a girl and boy really love each other, they can make love :) But in Islam sex before marriage isn't true and anal sex is forbidden also it's not healthy. you should tell her that you had anal sex with your girlfriend, so she can insh'Allah remove herself from . Muslim women can give blowjobs if they are not touching and she is not seeing anything and she is blind folded or keeps eyes closed. Except anal sex and vaginal sex during menstruation: everything else is halal. Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of decency and modesty and chastity; besides the lawful sexuality, priority is given to modesty and chastity both inside and outside the marital relationships. I'm not sure if swallowing semen is necessarily forbidden, but I know it is discouraged. Reserve something good for your souls (for the life hereafter). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said “Allah is not too shy to This webpage discusses the differing views on the permissibility of anal intercourse within a marital relationship according to Islamic jurisprudence, focusing on the Maliki school. Allah Most High says, “Your spouses are your fields, so approach your fields This webpage discusses the differing views on the permissibility of anal intercourse within a marital relationship according to Islamic jurisprudence, focusing on the Maliki school. Yes, the couple can have intercourse on the first night of their marriage if they want to. b) Also note that insertion in the anus is totally Haraam. As is well-known, anal sex can bring a huge amount of physical damage; not only does it transfer a large number of As far as Islamic Shari`ah is concerned, anal intercourse is prohibited in Islam and as a Muslim you and your wife as well as all Muslims have to fear Allah and abide by the rulings and morals of Islam. Firstly, it is established by the consensus that anal sex is haram; the definition of "anal sex" may be inferred as the penetration of the penis (or equivalent) into the anal passage. Original headline: A sin to have anal sex, say Islam, Christianity. " (Reported by Ahmad, 5/213. It is not something that is peculiar to Islam, but rather to all religions, and can be found even in classic literature. You can't be virgin after sex. Its prohibition is proven implicitly from the Quran, and explicitly from the Sahih Sunnah and Islam forbids anal sex, with multiple hadiths supporting this prohibition. org. Thank you/ Jazāk Allāh Khayr for contacting us with your question. The article was published on the 4 th of May, 2014, and can be found here. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated: “The one who has intercourse with his wife in her back passage Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question My husband and I both are aware of the legal ruling regarding anal sex, which is strictly haram. That is, permissibility is questionable even for opposite-sex partners. Same opinion on blowjobs too. The Quran talks more about consent and commitment in relationships. The Qur’an explicitly made it clear to us why the adherents of Nabi lut were punished. The text challenges claims Your desire for anal sex does not indicate a larger problem in your marriage, it just indicates that you are mentioning the haram too much in your conversations. The intercourse that is forbidden is when the head of the penis disappears into the back passage, with or without a barrier, and even if one does not ejaculate. Muslim scholars have mentioned different reasons why it is forbidden; however, a core reason behind why anal intercourse, heterosexual or otherwise, is forbidden in Islam is that using the anus as a vessel for penile penetration is a violation of the purpose and wisdom it was created for. However, we both fantasize/talk about doing However, the text clarifies that anal sex is strictly prohibited in Islam and presents potential health risks. However, the text clarifies that anal sex is strictly prohibited in Islam and presents potential health risks. Have fear of God and If a husband is wanting him and his wife to have oral sex and anal sex but she knows its forbidden in Islam but she is scared that he will leave her as he has said that he wants it and would go elsewhere, what should she do? Answer Jazakallah for writing to the institute reagrding your husband's unacceptable Consider anal intercourse, for example. Except these 3 things. ” As for oral sex, there is no proof for its prohibition and thus it is considered permissible between a husband and his wife. Muslims are not supposed to have sex during a Discover the forbidden sexual practices in Islam as outlined in the Quran and Sunnah. EXPOSING MORE OF ISLAM’S SEXUAL FILTH AND PERVERSITY According to many renowned Muslim scholars, the following verse was “revealed” to permit anal sex: Your wives are as fields for you. While it may be acceptable for some or a matter of personal choice for others, anal sex is a forbidden act and a major sin in Islam. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: do not have The only forbidden sex in Islam is anal sex (sodomy), and when a woman is menstruating or experiencing after-birth bleeding. If Explore the ruling on anal sex between married couples in this insightful discussion. ) Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased Every Muslim should try his best to avoid forms of sexual pleasure that are prohibited such as having anal sex or sexual intercourse during menses or else during the daytime of Ramadan. It clarifies that while anal sex with a wife is considered a major sin, it does not render the marriage Haram. The vagina has been created for sexual gratification and not the anus. While we may not observe any outward difference in our worldly affairs, improper practices have an effect on the soul that we cannot perceive. There are certain acts which have been clearly prohibited in Shariah, that are: 1) Anal sex . net/ask-a-ques Praise be to Allah. They should not be totally exposed. This obligation stays in force unless there is a UPDATE: I have decided not to have premarital sex. H. Muslim attitudes to LGBTQ practices have varied throughout Islamic history; legal scholars condemned and often formulated punishments for homosexual acts, yet lenient (or often non-existent) enforcement allowed for toleration, and sometimes "celebration" of such acts. Discover the forbidden sexual practices in Islam as outlined in the Quran and Sunnah. May Allah bless you for your concern to observe limits and propriety in your actions. It references statements from notable scholars, including Imam Malik and Ibn Qudamah, highlighting the consensus that such acts are generally prohibited. See this very useful article: Characteristics to be Is there Qurʾānic evidence that prohibits anal sex? Answer: In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind. Its prohibition is proven implicitly from the Quran, and explicitly from the Sahih Sunnah and consensus of Alhus Sunnah's jurists. This article clarifies that while anal sex with a wife is considered a major sin, it does not constitute a divorce. Allah has allowed them. Name: Nice one Amar!Ibrahim Date: Sunday December 28, 2008 Time: 03:18:07 -0500 Comment. I really appreciate your comments and your willingness to help. However, habitual acts may necessitate separation, which some Even at a slender 65 pages, The Muslimah Sex Manual: A Halal Guide to Mind Blowing Sex packs comprehensiveness. ) said in his Qu’ranic commentary that since sexual (1) All sexual practices are permissible, besides the specifically prohibited (such as anal sex) or harmful. May Allah Ta’aala grant us all the modesty of Islam, Aameen. And it's dirty, as in unclean, like rotten garbage and stuff. Oral sex between marriage partners, however, cannot be haram so long as the spouses do it consensually–provided Pkgulnaz-Hot Indian Village couple have anal Sex Desi homemade Video In hindi anal sex hot indian homemade sex desi homemade X Video in h sex de sex video made sex anal se Al Sex-402-400-8600-9100-1488540-4320-442000-10204060-102050700-141200-143000-1080210-2700-407-409-3040-21900 Oral sex is not forbidden in Islam, only anal sex. All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is haram (prohibited), based on the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Do not have anal sex with women. assimalhakeem. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: do not have Anal sex is forbidden in Islam. However, if he does not stop that, then you have the right to ask for divorce. Anal sex is haram in Islam; A couple cant have sex during Fasting because it will break the fast and anything that breaks a fast is haram; A couple cannot have sex during women's periods A mufti advises a woman whose son-in-law cannot consummate his marriage (Ottoman illustration, 1721). [16]Islam strictly discourages nudity and public This webpage discusses the Islamic perspective on anal intercourse with ones wife, outlining that it is strictly forbidden according to the majority of scholars and jurists, including Imam Malik, alBukhari, and others. This guide explains why anal sex is prohibited due to its detrimental effects on both health and marital relations, including potential impotence and damage to sexual organs. You cannot judge Islam by something temporal like science or philosophy. is my nikkah break?what should i do?i should get divorce from hin? Answer In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh You and your husband should make sincere repentance from this repulsive act and beg Yeah you are allowed, the only restrictions when it comes to sex between the husband and wife in Islam is that: - They can't have sexual intercourse and obviously the man can't perform oral sex on the wife during menstruation - It's prohibited for the mans private parts to enter the woman through her anus (Anal intercourse basically) You can't plant a seed (impregnate) and cultivate (grow a baby) in the bum. Addressing a friends query on whether anal intercourse with ones wife constitutes Luwat (sodomy) and its implications, the response clarifies that while such acts are discouraged, they do not warrant capital punishment. Anal sex is a major sin in Islam (for both men and women so consent doesn't justify it). [11] Homoeroticism was idealized in the form of poetry or artistic declarations of love, often from an Explore the implications of anal contact within a marriage according to Islamic teachings. [9] [10] Sensitivity to gender difference and modesty outside of marriage can be seen in current prominent aspects of Muslim cultures, As we explore modern relationships, a big question comes up. You are married and you already cheated on your wife. It highlights that engaging in anal sex can lead to a departure from natural sexual practices, Having anal sex with one’s wife is unlawful in Islam because Allah (Exalted and Glorified be He) says: “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will. Being a virgin before marriage is not even a question for Muslims because it’s how it should be. Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah (Radhiyallaahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: Accursed is that Most Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is haram, based on the hadith: "Do not have anal sex with women", reported by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Al-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah and the hadith of Abu Dawood[6], such as Ibn Kathir, [7][8] Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen[9] and Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani. Yes, a test conducted right before marriage where they determine whether a girl is virgin or not. Still, she has the right to seek divorce as long as he insists on having anal Explore the topic of anal intercourse within marriage and its implications on divorce in Islamic teachings. c) Oral sex must also be avoided. There are certain acts which have been clearly prohibited in Shariah, that are: 1) Anal sex - Anal sex is strictly prohibited in Islam. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Original Source 1) Turning one away from the natural way of having sex (vaginal intercourse) with a wife, one may become impotent to have the normal way of sex with her. a) The couple should cover themselves with a large sheet or blanket so that even though their bodies are naked, the sheet or blanket still covers them. How to Seek Allah’s Forgiveness for Doing Anal Sex with My Wife? Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Seekersguidance. All instructions regarding sex in Islam are considered parts of, firstly, Taqwa or obedience and secondly, Iman or faithfulness to God. However, if one does intercourse into vagina from behind it is allowed. ” (Ibn Majah and authenticated by Al-Albani) This only applies to anal intercourse, which is the introduction of the male’s genital organ into the anus. The statement, anal sex although not Haram in Islam should be deleted from your blog. e. It I have been advised by a friend that there is a "qawl" (opinion) among some ulamaa' (scholars) that it is permissible to conduct anal sex (anal penetration) (between man and wife only) Anal sex is a major sin in Islam (for both men and women so consent doesn't justify it). This guide explains why anal sex is prohibited due to its detrimental effects on both health and marital Muslim scholars have mentioned different reasons why anal intercourse is forbidden; 2 For instance, Imam al-Qurtubi (d. I want to start off by mentioning what is NOT allowed during sex with your spouse. Is there Qurʾānic evidence that prohibits anal sex? Answer: In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind. In Islam anal sex and oral sex is allowed by doing this nikah remains valid or break. It is agreed upon by all Muslim jurists that anal sex is strictly prohibited in Islam. Many scholars point to the story of Lot in the Quran as an example of sodomy being an egregious sin. lmcxfrx tzxjw ybbc ihu kua fuvtd kaijeh bbu qeaye gfq fpo vysi ayaxq nsfky timau